Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
This blog is only kept for memories sake.
I felt that night, on the stage, incredibly close to everything in the universe, but also extremely alone. I wondered, for the first time in my life, if life was worth all the work it took to live. What exactly made it worth it? What’s so horrible about being dead forever, and not feeling anything, and not even dreaming? What’s so great about feeling and dreaming? — Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Tagboard
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©Glamouresque. |
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Casper got boobs! Look at the picture people, and tag me what it looks like kay! Your comments will be appreciated! Had this stupid convo with ian, Jinggggggyi says: than tell me look like what i am IAN says: the cloud? Jinggggggyi says: yep duhhhh if not i am IAN says: idk wat it looks like.. Jinggggggyi says: lol Just make a guess i am IAN says: ghost? Jinggggggyi says: LOL really. i am IAN says: thats wat i think it looks like anyway =.= Jinggggggyi says: Really Lol i am IAN says: wat does it look like too u Jinggggggyi says: okaaay i'll tell you later i am IAN says: oO Jinggggggyi says: than what's it's sex? i am IAN says: male? Jinggggggyi says: Lol. Really? why? i am IAN says: cuz i dun think it is female? lol Jinggggggyi says: like, does it have any distinguish features? LOL i am IAN says: to prove tt it is male? Jinggggggyi says: duuuuh. If not. i am IAN says: no none Jinggggggyi says: prove that it's gay? -.- lol. to me it looked like uhm. What's that character name again urseula is it i am IAN says: lol little mermaid? Jinggggggyi says: you know, the evil witch from lil mermaid yup the big chested one i am IAN says: lmao Jinggggggyi says: look! you can see her boobies lol Look again ah and imagine i am IAN says: actually... it looks like a giant casper Jinggggggyi says: LOL REALLY casper dont have boooobs i am IAN says: come on... those look more like hands than boobs i am IAN says: they're round! i am IAN says: casper has round hands................... so i remember Jinggggggyi says: but anyway Nuhh uh casper dont have hand only got a teeny weeny tail i am IAN says: really meh? Jinggggggyi says: yea i am IAN says: then my memory fail me Jinggggggyi says: HA Lol. It was really funny. Leave your comments and tell me what does the cloud look like okay! ;D Oh by the way, it's ursula-.- and casper DO have hands-.- Wait, another picture, I took the liberty to draw her face, hair and boobs. Lol. Enjoy~ Goodbye, for now. Yesterday was the food and fun fair. I thought it'd be pretty boring but it's quite fun. Meet rachel at 6.45 (was late, as usual) and performed at 9 plus? Hm. The performance was okay i guess. But it wasn't our best i daresay. Cleared up and went down for the funfair. Walked aimlessly around for around one hour(?) with xiaoting and rachel. Ernest went to distribute flyers, choonkun went to the stall, joan and dalston were upstair(i realised that like, a few donkey hours later-.-), mengliang went to his stall, brandon went to _____(i dont remember where) and marcus went to find dalston(i think?) So after this CONFUSING uhm something(pardon my english) we FINALLY saw (at least) dalston, joan, nat, ian, nigel(big), marcus, aaron, jiaen, yuru, zuohui, nigel(small), junhan, rachel at the haunted house. Lol. Went in in twos and HAHA joan cried. And me being so ever nice(as usual) went around telling people she cried. HAHA. Okay it was dark, and i got scared by one green thing who (suddenly) jump out. Went to my store afterwards and IAN, NAT, NIGEL(small), MARCUS, DENISE, UNKNOWN GIRL decided to spash-water-at-me. WHYYY! Zomg, i was so drenched lor! Brandon and choonkun also kena. Hehh hehh. Marcus the old man claimed to aim the water at MOI, but apparently it splashed brankun also. (BRANKUN= Brandon and choonkun) Lol. And the unknown girl decided to find me funny and requested to splash me too. How bloody nice is that!? Nigel(big) gave me a card and a present and than run away. Shall dedicate another post to nigel later;D Was feeling rather sad afterwards. Found xiaoting they all in canteen and we went fourth floor to uhm, catch two balloon. The balloons were RIGHT up there and it's mission impossible. Haha. So we were all sitting outside my former classroom, waiting for the wind to blow the balloon into a lower position so dalston can take it. Nigel was trying to undo his balloon so that he can 'breathe in helium so my voice will be higher' lol. Junhan was saying that 'if you tie another balloon to me, i will float up and help you take the balloon' LOL. Zuohui was quiet, xiaoting was rumaging through her bag to find something heavy to throw up, and lastly, dalston was looking at the balloon. Praying for it to come down. Lol. Xiaoting found a packet of food and she started throwing it up. It happened to drop and land next to nigel who said 'why got food drop from the sky' LOL. I was laughing like shit man. In conclusion, we didnt get the balloon-.- Went home afterwards. Thursday, April 16, 2009
Randomness English test was such a bore! It was like, three hours twenty five minutes! I was yawning/stretching/fidgeting/almost falling asleep/daydreaming about sleeping/trying not to sleep/trying damn hard to understand the passage/yawning/stretching/sniffing/sniffing/yawning/trying not to sleep/yawning/still yawning/still yawning.. You get the picture. If you still don't, i really suggest you see a doctor can do some check up on your brain. Like seriously. Brandon gave me this stupid idea after the english test. Yes, stupid-.- It's a story about CHEATING. Yes, our exam question. Tell you guys next time;D I'm bored already. Haha Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What am i to you? Mrlun and msloh want us to come back for the food and fun fair. I think it's so damn stupid, seeing that you were the one who told us not perform, wanting the juniors to find their own path. (Okay, i admit, i gave that idea) It was a damn bloody good idea anyway. Haha;D So everyone agreed to stay off and now you want us to come back? Wth. The band can never learn this way. They'll always think that the seniors will be there to back them up. Well, face the reality kiddos. We're not gonna be there for you forever. Okay whatever. I'm bored D; And i've got a bad case of FLU and cough. Awwww. Monday, April 13, 2009
Just like heaven There you go. I've change that dreadful url. It's meaningful! It means. -Drumroll- Like a masquerade. LOL. I'm not helping right. Lol. Okayokay. I dont exactly know what it means but oh well, it's nice;D Okay gotta go. Taaaaaaa~ Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tomorw is the dreadful maths mock exam. And chemistry electrolysis test. Ahh. And wed is the SS SEQ test. The capital E. Not the B but the !_(*)($ E. Aww. And i haven't started studying any. 2.00-3.00 Maths revision 3.00-5.00 Chem electrolysis revision 5.30-7.30 Maths tuition 8.00-9.30 Chem electrolysis revision 9.30-10.30 Maths revision 10.30-11.00 Chem electrolysis revision Ahhhhhhhhhh~ People, moral of the story is STUDY EARLIER! Sigh. I think 凡间新仙人 is super funeeeeey. Haha Super cute can! Okay i'm ranting again. Byebyebyebyebyeee. Saturday, April 11, 2009
I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8!I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! -takes a deeeeeeeeep breath- I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! I'VE PASSED PIANO GRADE 8! YAY ME! I'm like, so fucking happy can. :DDDDD -grins- Okay i've done some editing. Here's the pictures. Farewell, band. Yeah, you've seen the tittle. You can pretty much guess what the content is going to be about. DISCLAIMER: I'M NOT LAG, JUST LAZY. Skyband got a silver on 1stofapril2009. I think most of us deserve a clap. It was really well done, just a pity the !)(*&^(*^#$ judges refused to give us gold. Oh well. People, dont be sad already alright! For the juniors, you'll have another syf to prove yourself. Yep. So dont give up;D I was a wreck on syfday. Really! I cried eight times. So unglam/embarrassing. But oh well. We're one big familyyyy~ -plays barney theme song- Anyway. I'll really miss mrlun, skyband, mdmdewi, FRENCHHORN SECTION, msloh, and some of the band members. And especially my FRENCHHORN. Okay, not mine anymore. RACHEL'S FRENCHHORN. Sigggh. Some dedications, To xiaoting: ZHENGXIAOTING! Haha, you reading this? I'm sorry we started out bad too. If i'd been more sociable, maybe many things will be different. It doesn't matter how we started out, cos we ended up as good friends:D I'm really happy to know you. Serious! And let's forget about the past okay! :D I'll always remember the times at band camp and korea. Haha. Remember a few groups actually ran past us without noticing us. Lol. So retarded lor. Haha. Love you xiaoting;D To dalston (and all seniors): Thank you soooo much for helping the band! Without your help, i really dont think the band will improve alot lor. Especially the percussion section. Bet they cant play so well if you never taught them. Haha. We got silver becos you guys played a part in it;D To MrLun: BEST CONDUCTOR ON EARTH! Haha. Thank you sooo much for teaching me. Without you, the band will DEFINITELY not get silver. Lol. And i wont learn so much about music and frenchhorn i guess:D Hehe! Mrlun rock^^ But he's old. HAHA. Thankgod he wont see this;D To the juniors of frenchhorn section: I'm sorry i'm being too fierce and demanding during sectionals. It was necessary and yup, we improved, didn't we? From the lousiest section to a not-so-lousy section. Yay. I couldn't do this alone. So thank you guys. Work well with hazimah and listen to her. Respect her okay? Work hard, JIAYOU! :D Love you all loads! |
But baby, where they knock you down and out
Is where you oughta stay |